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Jämthund Ark – Hiking Off Leash

May 1, 2024 Comments Off on Luna Found Her New Handlers Herself Bear Dogs, Family Adventure, Jamthund

Luna Found Her New Handlers Herself

There is an old saying among all the old Scandinavian breeders, it goes like this: “The dog will pick the handler”.

Luna has found her forever home

Great Jamthund Female Luna Picks Her New Handlers Herself

Well, I have said that for a long time as well and I firmly believe it. However it’s indisputable now! I had Luna and her mom Aurella out training in the Desna program and they decided to travel a bit on their own.

Luna must have had a yearning a longing to find her own spot if you will. Sure enough they were gone for quite some time, one day, here I find Aurella. She had returned to her geographical area and home turf. Amazing instinctive ability really.

But this is the fascinating part. I find out that a great couple, Lisa and Bob who run Gibbs Creek Farms heading south of me, toward the USA border had a lovely female find them, Nordic breed dog. I was pretty sure it would be Luna. So I drove down.

Sure enough there she was all settled in, so content, loving her new life. Bob and Lisa were just so happy to have her, they had already loved her and wanted her to stay. We had the greatest visit, all the while Luna and a couple other pals of hers, they have some great yard dogs there also, were just keeping things in order around the area and scouting and do what they are supposed to.

Sure enough Lisa and Bob and I came quickly in like a minute to the realization that Luna is home. So we make a deal and Luna of course is where she is destined to be. How cool is that?

Whenever you hear the phrase, the dog picks the owner, believe it!

Here is a very nice post on it at Lisa and Bobs page, please visit drop them a hello and check out the nice page they have. Lovely couple, great home for Luna.