Off Leash Norwegian Elkhound Litter Coming

1 Stud Dog – 3 Generations – Norwegian Elkhound...

April 18, 2024 Comments Off on Twins Sass and Revna – Ancient Norwegian Elkhounds Norwegian Elkhound, Pups, Two Elkhounds

Twins Sass and Revna – Ancient Norwegian Elkhounds

We talk a lot about the famous twins Tekla and Tuva. Rarely do I get a chance to highlight the other famous twins, Sass and Revna. Believe it, Sass and Revna are Granddaughters of Tekla. Go figure right!

Two Incredible Norwegian Elkhound Pups

Ancient Lineage directly connected to the old foundation lines, Sass and Revna

Luna and Karu had a phenomenal litter a few years back and these two beauties were some of the pups from that incredible litter.

Sass lives up with Harold and Stephanie, along with Pepper, who is a few years older, another great Kamia Kennels Female. Pepper has trained Sass to be very accomplished as Pepper is a magnificent female with impeccable skills and behavior.

Revna is up at Michael and Sarah’s, our co-breeders in Alberta and she is about to have a mating soon with Pretty Boy Leif. We are really excited as we could easily see another great set of these twins coming out of this lineage. It would be so awesome!

These are the old ancient genetics that we work so hard to preserve. These girls are a direct link to the founding dogs of the Elkhounds. Rare is the day you see such stunning beauty on display like these two young Elkhound pups have.

This is as good a line of Elkhounds as exists in the world today, Revna, combined with Leif, oh Wow, some very good pups coming!

Stay tuned, in the meantime check out the photos and also check out Michael’s Instagram Golden Ring Elkhounds.